We have several information flyers that are a part of our Info Series that are designed to be easily printable on home and office printers. We have flyers on a variety of topics that were translated and reviewed by Fragile X professionals.
We are continuously adding new Info Series flyers, including rolling out Spanish translations. (Estamos continuamente agregando nuevos folletos de la Serie de Información, incluyendo el lanzamiento de traducciones al español.)
The Info Series flyers can be found at the following link: https://fragilex.org/understanding-fragile-x/info-series/
Our website also has a tool available that allows individuals to select from a list of languages to translate the information. Look for the white box and select a language from the menu. Downloadable documents will not be translated utilizing the tool.
International Family Support Network and Clinics
The National Fragile X Foundation is committed to spreading the word about Fragile X-associated disorders and to seeing that all people, in all countries, benefit from the best available treatments. Since 1984 we have taken the lead in fostering worldwide Fragile X communication. Part of that commitment has been to maintain a listing of Parent Support contacts and groups throughout the world. Beginning in 2010 we added international affiliates to the Fragile X Clinical & Research Consortium. Select the link below to review the comprehensive list of international groups and clinics.