Where can I find the printable Fragile X awareness cards?

Printable Fragile X awareness cards can be found at the link below. The front of the card asks Have you heard of Fragile X?  On the reverse side there are varying designs depending on whether you're a parent, grandparent, family member or self-advocate, plus a few simple facts describing Fragile X.

We also have an emergency card that you or your child can carry around should they find themselves in trouble. In addition to explaining Fragile X syndrome, it also has space for you to fill out emergency contact info and any medication or allergy concerns.

To print any of our cards, we recommend going to your local print store or using websites like Avery.com. All you have to do is upload the images and they will add it to the template of your choice. Visit Avery.com, to get started (we recommend template 8871 but others might fit too).